Sunday, 25 March 2012

Google Denies Removal of Privacy-Invading Suggestions

On 19 March, Tokyo District Court ordered Google's United States headquarters to delete the autocomplete results violating a Japanese man's privacy. But Google rufused and stated "We're not regulated by Japanese laws.", and he's not yet relieved from the damage and loss.

When typing his real name a word related to crimes appears as a suggestion with his full name, and if you choose it the search result shows articles insulting him.

A few years ago the man was fired by his employer without his fault. After that he tried to get a job, but all the companies said "No". He hired private detective agency and knew that 10,000 slander articles, which says as if he commited a crime, are posted on the Internet and that the suggeting function leads to the libellous posts.

The man and his lawyer asked Google at first, but Google did not help him. Tokyo District Court ordered the removal to both Google US and Japanese headquarters in October last year. Japanese HQ claimed only United States HQ has authority. So the man stopped asking Japanese HQ. United States HQ insisted "Just arrangement of words is not violation of privacy. Words are selected by computers and we don't arrange them arbitrarily." Google also said "We will not delete the result according to our Privacy Policy."

Google's search engine is also used in Yahoo! Japan search, and so Google monopolizes virtually in Japanese search engine share.
The Mainichi Shimbun reported in Japanese, and I summerized in English.

Eric Schmidt said before "Move your house if you don't want to be shot for Street View." It means there's no privacy on the Earth. Google will make all the people naked. All the people around the world are Google's slaves. Google will share privacy of their slaves. Google will control every information. Google will control this world.

Google is arrogant.

The man who wanted his name deleted in search results was a member of gang rape group "Super Free". He claimed he didn't belong to its gang rapes, but I doubt it. He must have known the group's sex crimes, and he should have stopped the rapists and have reported the police. He did NOTHING to save the victims. He tried to escape his guilt. He is the same as the rapists.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Hatsune Miku sings in English

A new version of Hatsune Miku will be coming this year, and for fans outside Japan Crypton Future Media is now adapting Miku for singing in English too.


And here are 2 reports of Hatsune Miku concerts on 8th and 9th March. 3月9日 is Miku's day, because 3 is also pronounced [mi] and 9 [ku] in Japanese.

Hatsune Miku Live Party 2012 on 8 March

Hatsune Miku Concert: The Last Miku's Day Thanksgiving Festival on 9 March
「初音ミクコンサート 最後のミクの日感謝祭」昼の部をレポート。クリプトン・フューチャー・メディア 伊藤博之社長のショートインタビューも掲載
including an interview with Crypton President Itoh Hiroyuki

Monday, 5 March 2012

Bacteria Chocolate from South Korea

Bacteria 14 Times More Than Standard Found in Chocolate by South Korean Largest Confectioner

Bacteria 14 times more than the standard level were found in chocolate products by Orion, South Korean largest confectioner, and the health authority ordered emergency recall. The company also produced another product with bacteria 2 years ago.

The product containing 14 times more bacteria is Orion's bestseller Market O Milk Choco Classic Mini Special. 140 thousand bacteria, which were far beyond the normal level 10 thousand per gram, were detected in 24,030 products manufactured in Iksan factory 28 December 2011.

Korea Food & Drug Administration banned its distribution and sales and imposed administrative sanction such as recall. The dangerous products are not distributed any more, and Orion Corporation decided to stop for an indefinite time production and distribution of the product until they discover the cause.

A huge shock struck South Korea because of the food safety problem disclosed on St Valentine's Day. Many media reported as "Market O is cake of bacteria", "Impact by detection of 14 times more bacteria" and "Nightmare Valentine's Day".
Translated from Searchina News article

Market O products are sell in 60 countries, according to Orion's website.

There are a lot of cases that bacteria or dangerous objects are found in food produced in South Korea and China.