Sunday, 30 August 2009

My first voting

I've just gone to vote in an election for the first time.

This general election is to choose members of the lower house. And it's drawing people's attention about whether the overthrow of the government will happen or not: Japan has been ruled by the Liberal Democratic Party after the war. Liberal Democrats and government officials have developed too-cozy relationships for a long time.

4 years ago, the former prime minister Koizumi Junichiro with the LDP and Komei Party (puppet party of a cult group Soka Gakkai) contested seats in the lower house against other parties about privatizing postal services. Koizumi won the election and the Japanese postal services were privatized. But the quality of the services got worse.

Both former prime ministers Abe Shinzo and Fukuda Yasuo threw out government in a year: the government changed 4 times withoust any election.

Government officials have wasted taxes, they have been appointed to high positions in private companies after their retirement, and it was discovered they had falsified the records of pensions.

People are getting angry with politicians and government officials. So the Domocratic Party is hoped for.

Japanese people are expecting a leader like President Barak Obama in the United States.

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