Saturday, 3 December 2011

The shape of the United Kingdom looks a girl worrying about her breasts' size

【イギリスの形って胸の大きさ気にしてる女の子に見える】 すごい妄想力…!!/dfnt/status/115686622590271488

English translation:
【The shape of the United Kingdom looks a girl worrying about her breasts' size】 What a wonderful ability of delusion!!/dfnt/status/115686622590271488

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Why America Fights

I watched a documentary film “Why We Fight”. It was about the United States and the military-industrial complex.

A few authorities, such as politicians, munitions industry, and think tanks, have tried to control the country, in turn the world – and they did. No one can stop their despotism. A good example of this is the drama “24” Season 7: it depicts an attempt by the private military company Starkwood.

Many government officials become an executive in private military companies. The companies spread a lot of money to politicians. The politicians claim the cut of military budget is the loss of employment. Just as blackmail.

Think tanks create/produce new theories and new enemies. They tempt politicians into starting a war. As a result, they can get lots of money.

Dictators are easy to recognize. But the set of unconscious harm, which they think goodwill, is awkward.

How many people are you going to kill? You have murdered millions of lives for uncountable years. You have judged defeated nations guilty. So are you.

Friday, 12 August 2011


People who criticize things that does not match their taste, liking, or preference. They often blame fans who love "anti's" dislikes.

There are two types of "antis": agressive ones and silent ones; Agressive "antis" are silly, foolish, idiot: they like dualism and they don't understand people have a lot of senses of values; Silent "antis", on the other hand, are relatively smart. They usually gather together in their community and share opinions with people of same thoughts. Leave silent ones alone, so they don't bother you.

It is important to ignore "antis" when you see somewhere someplace. If you try to argue with them, they will probably attack you: not only your opinion, but also your personality.

"Antis" are like a mechanical doll: They respond to people who react to their trap.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Shoyu (Soy Sauce): A Magical Seasoning

Shoyu is one of basic seasonings in Japanese food. It is used to make various kinds of food as its form changed. The sauce has met another food and made it more delicious: chicken rice.

Chicken rice is a food fried up with tomato ketchup containing rice, chicken, onion, carrot, and sweet pepper etc. It is good just as it is. But, with a few drops of shoyu on it, the taste is magically changed: more sweet and more hot than ever!